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deathDate - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
debugEnabled - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.run.RomanEmperorsScraper
defaultImage - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
depositionDate - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
deserializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl(JSONObject) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Restore (and construct) an ArrayList of PersonNameUrl(s) from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
deserializeDynastiesHashMap(JSONObject) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastySerializer
Given a JSONObject which represents the serialized form of an HashMap containing some dynasties' data by their Wikipedia page URL, reconstruct the corresponding Dynasty objects and, once the deserialization is completed, return the original HashMap
deserializePersonNameUrl(JSONObject) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Restore (and construct) a PersonNameUrl from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
deserializePersonPageDataHashMap(JSONObject) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Given a JSONObject which represents the serialized form of an HashMap containing some PersonPageData instances by their Wikipedia page URL, reconstruct the corresponding PersonPageData objects and, once the deserialization is completed, return the original HashMap
disableButton(String, DynastyChoiceButton) - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceBodyPanel
Given the Wikipedia page URL of a Dynasty and the corresponding scraping button, disable it.
disabledButtons - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceBodyPanel
disposeList() - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleList
Dispose this PeopleList frame instance
doTest() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastiesTester
Compare the scraped dynasties names and URLs with the expected ones
doTest(String, String) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
Perform a single test by comparing an expected value with a scraped value Update expectedScrapedValues by adding the expected value as key and the scraped value as value, numberOfTests and numberOfPassedTests
doTest(String, String) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
Perform a single test by comparing an expected value with a scraped value Update expectedScrapedValues by adding the expected value as key and the scraped value as value, numberOfTests and numberOfPassedTests
doTests() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
Compare scraped value with expected value for each Dynasty object's field
doTests() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
Compare scraped value with expected value for each PersonPageData object's field
DRIVERS_BASE_PATH - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
dynastiesPeopleList - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
DynastiesTester - Class in romanemperorsscraper.tester
Class used to test the scraping of dynasties names and Wikipedia page URLs
DynastiesTester() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastiesTester
dynasty - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastyTree
dynasty - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
dynasty - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeFrame
Dynasty - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties
Class used to get and represent roman emperors' dynasties data.
Dynasty(String, String, WebDriver, boolean) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
Given a Web Driver and a dynasty's Wikipedia page URL, scrape its data and/to construct a Dynasty object
Dynasty(String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
Restore (and construct) a Dynasty from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
dynastyChoiceBodyPanel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceButton
DynastyChoiceBodyPanel - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice
Class extending JPanel to represent a panel containing DynastyChoiceButton(s) placed inside the DynastyChoiceFrame.
DynastyChoiceBodyPanel() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceBodyPanel
Create a panel containing a button used to start the scraping for each dynasty
DynastyChoiceButton - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice
Class representing the buttons placed on DynastyChoiceFrame (inside the DynastyChoiceBodyPanel) which are used to choose the Dynasty whose genealogical tree graph the user wants to be drawn.
DynastyChoiceButton(DynastyChoiceBodyPanel, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceButton
Construct a DynastyChoiceButton by setting its field values
DynastyChoiceFrame - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice
JFrame organized in two panels: - DynastyChoiceTitlePanel (containing the buttons use to import and export data) - DynastyChoiceBodyPanel (containing the buttons used to start dynasties' scraping or access the genealogical tree graph of the already scraped ones)
DynastyChoiceFrame() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceFrame
Construct the DynastyChoiceFrame with DynastyChoiceTitlePanel, DynastyChoiceBodyPanel and a JLabel containing credits
dynastyChoiceTitlePanel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.ExportButton
dynastyChoiceTitlePanel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.ImportButton
DynastyChoiceTitlePanel - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice
Class extending JPanel to represent a panel used to contain the title, the ImportButton and the ExportButton placed inside the DynastyChoiceFrame.
DynastyChoiceTitlePanel() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceTitlePanel
Create a panel containing the DynastyChoiceFrame's title, the import button and the export button
dynastyName - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceButton
DYNASTYNAME - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
dynastyNameTranslations - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
dynastyPageUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceButton
dynastyPageUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleListOpenButton
dynastyPageUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
dynastyPageUrlEquals(String, String) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
Check if a given URL points to the same dynasty's Wikipedia page whose URL is given - this is preferable over a simple .equalsIgnoreCase() between the two strings because there are different URLs for the same dynasties
DynastySerializer - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties
Utility class providing methods for dynasties' Dynasty objects serialization.
DynastySerializer() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastySerializer
DynastyTester - Class in romanemperorsscraper.tester
Class used to test the scraping of dynasty information (Wikipedia page title, foundation and deposition date and the founder name and Wikipedia page URL).
DynastyTester() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
dynastyTree - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
DynastyTree - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties
Class used to create and represent a Dynasty's genealogical tree graph.
DynastyTree(WebDriver, PersonPageData, Dynasty) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastyTree
Construct the graph of the dynasty starting from the Founder
DynastyTree.KinshipDegree - Enum in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties
DynastyTreeBodyPanel - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree
Class extending JPanel to represent a panel containing the genealogical tree graph of a specific Dynasty (the one the DynastyTree and, therefore, the DynastyTreeFrame is related to) and the link-like button used to open the graph legend.
DynastyTreeBodyPanel(DynastyTreeFrame, Graph) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeBodyPanel
Create a panel containing the graph of the dynasty's genealogical tree
dynastyTreeFrame - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.CloseDynastyTreeFrameButton
dynastyTreeFrame - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeBodyPanel
dynastyTreeFrame - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
DynastyTreeFrame - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree
Class used to create, represent and show a frame containing the genealogical tree graph of a specific Dynasty (the one the DynastyTree of the DynastyTreeFrame itself is related to)
DynastyTreeFrame(Graph, Dynasty) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeFrame
Given a dynasty Graph and Dynasty object, create a frame containing the genealogical tree graph
DynastyTreeTitlePanel - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree
Class extending JPanel to represent a panel containing the dynasty name (in form of a title), the button to close the DynastyTreeFrame this panel is placed into and the button to open the PeopleList instance of the dynasty the DynastyTreeFrame is related to.
DynastyTreeTitlePanel(DynastyTreeFrame) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
Create a panel containing the dynasty name, the container with the button to close this DynastyTreeFrame instance and the container with the button to open the list of dynasty people
DYNASTYURL - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
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