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backToChoiceFrameButtonContainer - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
backToChoiceFrameButtonTextArea - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
backToGraphButton - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
BackToGraphButton - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.people
Class representing the button placed on the PersonCard frame used to go back to the genealogical tree graph of the dynasty the person is related to.
BackToGraphButton(PersonCard, String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.BackToGraphButton
Construct a BackToGraphButton by setting its field values and its action listener
backToGraphLabel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
birthDate - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
bodyPanel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeFrame
BodyPanel - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceFrame
BROWSER - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
buttonContainer - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
buttonHeight - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.ButtonProperties
ButtonProperties - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui
Class defining the main properties of a button (borders, size, icon variants, [...]).
ButtonProperties(String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.ButtonProperties
Construct a ButtonProperties object by eliminating the JButton's borders, setting its size and icon variants Please note that the given rollover icon will also be used as button disabled icon
buttons - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceButton
buttonWidth - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.ButtonProperties
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