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SAFARI - romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils.SupportedBrowser
scrapedDynasties - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastiesTester
scrollPane - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleList
serializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl(ArrayList<PersonNameUrl>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Create and return a serialized form of a given ArrayList of PersonNameUrl objects
serializeDynastiesHashMap(HashMap<String, Dynasty>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastySerializer
Given an HashMap containing dynasties' data by URL, serialize it in a single JSONObject and then return it
serializeDynasty(Dynasty) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastySerializer
Create and return a serialized form of a given Dynasty object
serializePersonNameUrl(PersonNameUrl) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonNameUrl object
serializePersonPageData(PersonPageData) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonPageData object
serializePersonPageDataHashMap(HashMap<String, PersonPageData>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Given an HashMap containing PersonPageData instances by URL, serialize it in a single JSONObject and then return it
setImage(ImageIcon) - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
setInformation(StringBuilder) - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
setLegendFrameInstance(DynastyTreeFrame) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeFrame
setPerson(Person) - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
setStoredDynasties(HashMap<String, Dynasty>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
setUrlPersonPageDataMatches(HashMap<String, PersonPageData>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
Replace urlPersonPageDataMatches with the given one.
setWebDriverSystemPath(OsUtils.SupportedBrowser) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
Given a browser, set the corresponding driver path System Property (required by Selenium to get the WebDriver's instances working) differently based on the user's Operating System
showDynastyTreeFrameByUrl(String, String) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeFrame
Given a dynasty's Wikipedia page URL, get its corresponding Dynasty object and then get (or construct) and show its DynastyTreeFrame to the user
SPOUSE - romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastyTree.KinshipDegree
spouses - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
spouses - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
storedDynasties - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
storedPersonObjects - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
storeDynasty(String, Dynasty) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
Put a new Dynasty in the stored dynasties HashMap by its Wikipedia page URL
SUCCESSOR - romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.DynastyTree.KinshipDegree
SuccessorListDialog - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.people
When a person related to a Roman Emperor Dynasty has more than one successor, on click on the GoToSuccessorButton the dialog represented by this class gets shown instead to let the user choose one of them.
SuccessorListDialog(ArrayList<Person>, PersonCard) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.SuccessorListDialog
Given a PersonCard instance and an ArrayList containing the represented person's successors, create a dialog to let the user choose one of them
successors - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
successors - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
successors - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.SuccessorListDialog
SupportedBrowser() - Constructor for enum romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils.SupportedBrowser
SupportedOs() - Constructor for enum romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils.SupportedOs
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