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pageTitle - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.dynasties.Dynasty
parseJsonString(Object) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
Cast an Object to a String
peopleList - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleList
PeopleList - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.people
Class used to create and represent a frame containing a list of people from a Dynasty to let the user choose one of them and see his personal information (contained in their PersonPageData object) through PersonCard.
PeopleList(String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleList
Construct the PeopleList frame of a specific dynasty
peopleListButtonContainer - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
peopleListOpenButton - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
PeopleListOpenButton - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.people
Class used to create and represent a button used to open a PeopleList instance related to a specific Dynasty.
PeopleListOpenButton(String, String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PeopleListOpenButton
Create a PeopleListOpenButton by setting its field values
peopleListOpenButtonTextArea - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.tree.DynastyTreeTitlePanel
person - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
Person - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people
Class offering a recursive constructor to visit, starting from a Dynasty founder, all the dynasty members' Wikipedia pages
Person(WebDriver, PersonPageData, DynastyTree) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
Construct a Person object and set the corresponding graph node's style, then, if the PersonPageData to create a Person object from is an emperor or dictator, scrape relatives' Wikipedia pages, add their nodes to the graph and finally connect them to its node.
Person(PersonPageData, Graph) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
Construct a Person object and set the corresponding graph node's style
personCard - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.BackToGraphButton
personCard - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.GoToSuccessorButton
personCard - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.SuccessorListDialog
PersonCard - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.people
Class used to graphically visualize information contained in a PersonPageData object, which are the information relative to a member of a Roman Emperors Dynasty.
PersonCard(String, Person, PeopleList) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
Given a dynasty's Wikipedia page URL, a person to be represented and the PeopleList this person is included into, create a frame containing image, personal information, a button to go to his/her successors (if there are available) and a button to go back to the graph
personDynastyPageUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
personNameUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
personNameUrl - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
PersonNameUrl - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people
Class used to store names and Wikipedia page URLs of people related to Roman Emperors Dynasties.
PersonNameUrl(String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonNameUrl
Construct a PersonNameUrl object by setting its full name and Wikipedia page URL
PersonNameUrl(JSONObject) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonNameUrl
Deserialize the person's full name and Wikipedia page URL
personPageData - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.Person
personPageData - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
personPageData - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
PersonPageData - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people
Class used to get and represent information about people related to Roman Emperors Dynasties.
PersonPageData(String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
Fulfill the fields of a PersonPageData object from a JSON object
PersonPageData(WebDriver, PersonNameUrl, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
Fulfill the fields of a PersonPageData object with the information obtained during the scraping of a dynasty member's Wikipedia page
PersonPageDataSerializer - Class in romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people
Utility class providing methods for dynasties people' PersonPageData objects serialization.
PersonPageDataSerializer() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageDataSerializer
PersonPageDataTester - Class in romanemperorsscraper.tester
Class used to test the scraping of people' information (reign period, birth and death date, successor, spouses, children, adopted children, father, [...]).
PersonPageDataTester() - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
printValues(ArrayList<String>, HashMap<String, String>) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.Tester
Given an ArrayList of fields and their expected and scraped value, print them all
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