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icon - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.ButtonProperties
IE - romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils.SupportedBrowser
image - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
imageButtonContainer - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
imagesHashMap - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
imageUrl - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
importButton - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceTitlePanel
ImportButton - Class in romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice
Class representing the button placed on DynastyChoiceFrame (inside the DynastyChoiceTitlePanel) used to import dynasties and people's data.
ImportButton(DynastyChoiceTitlePanel, String, String) - Constructor for class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.ImportButton
Given the Dynasty Choice Title Panel the button is contained in, the icon path and the rollover icon path, construct an ImportButton object by setting its properties (width, height, icon) and its action listener
importButtonTextArea - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceTitlePanel
importedFonts - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.FontUtils
importFonts() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.FontUtils
Import some specific fonts located in the fonts/directory and update the importedFonts HashMap adding the font file name as key and the file object as value
information - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
informationScrollPane - Variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.people.PersonCard
initialize() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastiesTester
Initialize the WebDriver needed to scrape data from the Wikipedia page of Roman Emperors and obtain the dynasties names and Wikipedia page URLs to be compared with the expected ones
initialize() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
Initialize the WebDriver needed to scrape data from the Wikipedia page of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty and get its information through the Dynasty object constructor
initialize() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
Initialize the WebDriver needed to scrape data from the Wikipedia page of Augusto and get its information through the PersonPageData object constructor
initialize(WebDriver) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastiesTester
Obtain the dynasties names and Wikipedia page URLs to be compared with the expected ones
initialize(WebDriver) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.DynastyTester
Get information of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty through the Dynasty object constructor
initialize(WebDriver) - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.tester.PersonPageDataTester
Get information of Augusto through the PersonPageData object constructor
initializeOs() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
Detect and store the user's Operating System type needed for the OsUtils class' methods
instance - Static variable in class romanemperorsscraper.ui.choice.DynastyChoiceFrame
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.RomanEmperorsScraper
isEmperorOrDictator() - Method in class romanemperorsscraper.scraping.people.PersonPageData
isMac() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
isUnix() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
isWindows() - Static method in class romanemperorsscraper.run.OsUtils
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