Class PersonPageDataSerializer

  • public final class PersonPageDataSerializer
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class providing methods for dynasties people' PersonPageData objects serialization.
    Matteo Collica, Radu Ionut Barbalata
    See Also:
    PersonPageData, PersonNameUrl
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.ArrayList<PersonNameUrl> deserializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedArrayOfPersonNameUrls)
      Restore (and construct) an ArrayList of PersonNameUrl(s) from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
      static PersonNameUrl deserializePersonNameUrl​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedPersonNameUrl)
      Restore (and construct) a PersonNameUrl from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
      static java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​PersonPageData> deserializePersonPageDataHashMap​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedHashMap)
      Given a JSONObject which represents the serialized form of an HashMap containing some PersonPageData instances by their Wikipedia page URL, reconstruct the corresponding PersonPageData objects and, once the deserialization is completed, return the original HashMap
      static java.lang.String parseJsonString​(java.lang.Object object)
      Cast an Object to a String
      private static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl​(java.util.ArrayList<PersonNameUrl> arrayOfPersonNameUrls)
      Create and return a serialized form of a given ArrayList of PersonNameUrl objects
      private static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonNameUrl​(PersonNameUrl personNameUrl)
      Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonNameUrl object
      static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonPageData​(PersonPageData personPageData)
      Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonPageData object
      static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonPageDataHashMap​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​PersonPageData> urlPersonPageDataMatches)
      Given an HashMap containing PersonPageData instances by URL, serialize it in a single JSONObject and then return it
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersonPageDataSerializer

        private PersonPageDataSerializer()
    • Method Detail

      • serializePersonPageData

        public static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonPageData​(PersonPageData personPageData)
        Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonPageData object
        personPageData - the PersonPageData object to be serialized
        the PersonPageData object serialized as a JSONObject
      • parseJsonString

        public static java.lang.String parseJsonString​(java.lang.Object object)
        Cast an Object to a String
        object - the object to be casted as String
        null if the Object is null, the Object casted as String otherwise
      • serializePersonNameUrl

        private static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonNameUrl​(PersonNameUrl personNameUrl)
        Create and return a serialized form of a given PersonNameUrl object
        personNameUrl - the PersonNameUrl object to be serialized
        the PersonNameUrl object serialized as a JSONObject
      • deserializePersonNameUrl

        public static PersonNameUrl deserializePersonNameUrl​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedPersonNameUrl)
        Restore (and construct) a PersonNameUrl from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
        serializedPersonNameUrl - the JSONObject to deserialize data from
        null if the serialized PersonNameUrl is empty or null, the deserialized PersonNameUrl instance otherwise
      • serializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl

        private static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl​(java.util.ArrayList<PersonNameUrl> arrayOfPersonNameUrls)
        Create and return a serialized form of a given ArrayList of PersonNameUrl objects
        arrayOfPersonNameUrls - an ArrayList of PersonNameUrl objects to be serialized
        the ArrayList of PersonNameUrl(s) serialized as a JSONObject
      • deserializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl

        public static java.util.ArrayList<PersonNameUrl> deserializeArrayOfPersonNameUrl​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedArrayOfPersonNameUrls)
        Restore (and construct) an ArrayList of PersonNameUrl(s) from a JSONObject (its serialized form)
        serializedArrayOfPersonNameUrls - the JSONObject to deserialize data from
        null if the ArrayList of serialized PersonNameUrl(s) is empty or null, the deserialized ArrayList of PersonNameUrl instances otherwise
      • serializePersonPageDataHashMap

        public static org.json.simple.JSONObject serializePersonPageDataHashMap​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​PersonPageData> urlPersonPageDataMatches)
        Given an HashMap containing PersonPageData instances by URL, serialize it in a single JSONObject and then return it
        urlPersonPageDataMatches - the HashMap of PersonPageData instances to be serialized
        a JSONObject containing the serialized PersonPageData instances, where the key for each PersonPageData is its Wikipedia page URL
      • deserializePersonPageDataHashMap

        public static java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​PersonPageData> deserializePersonPageDataHashMap​(org.json.simple.JSONObject serializedHashMap)
        Given a JSONObject which represents the serialized form of an HashMap containing some PersonPageData instances by their Wikipedia page URL, reconstruct the corresponding PersonPageData objects and, once the deserialization is completed, return the original HashMap
        serializedHashMap - the JSONObject to deserialize data from
        the deserialized HashMap of PersonPageData instances by their Wikipedia page URL